Friday, January 30, 2009

Well, now that you mention it...

Is it is a sad day in America when just google'ing around for say, "cherry pie" and the first thing you get is Warrant's undisputed biggest hit. What if I wanted to you know... gift one, you know, a pie to someone? I would be ultra offended.

And how much fun can be had with auto-robo-speech? I may or may not certainly ever be one to say for sure, but I'm still trying to find out.

And now, live... from Tokyo!!
...and four years later, live from Tokyo!!! (just cheesier)
They were huge. 

But I think perhaps these dudes ruled the mid-to-late 80's. 


Sean said...

Wow, the robo speakers even know how to pronounce my non-phonetic name! Also, that Jennifer is a total slut. She said so herself.

KIRK said...

Ya, but she says she loves me.