Tied at 4 points each are Kirk, Brandon, Billy and Sean. Each of us has one team left in the tournament, so all our hopes and dreams depend on who we picked for our top team. The same goes for Forrest, who is in last place but still alive.
Sage has 3 points after that monster Cinderella performance on Thursday and Friday, but all of his teams went down to defeat in Round 2, leaving him out of the tournament, but still potentially beating Forrest overall.
It has become clear that whoever picked the team that wins the tournament will be the One, Shining Coleman. Unless Forrest's Connecticut team wins it all, in which case he would have 6 wins, which somebody would probably be able to beat. Plus, he has to go through me in the Elite 8, and I don't see him stopping my mojo.
Just in case you didn't know, Christopher Walken twitters.
In honor of Forrest, bringing up the rear thanks to a bunch of really crappy picks by two of the people squarely in the middle of the pack, here's a picture of a UConn cheerleader:
Here's the handy-dandy chart for easy perusal:
Dan: 5 points. Remaining teams: Pitt, Arizona.
Dustin: 5 points. Remaining team: Louisville.
Sean: 4 points. Remaining team: Memphis.
Kirk: 4 points. Remaining team: North Carolina.
Brandon: 4 points. Remaining team: North Carolina.
Billy: 4 points. Remaining team: Pitt.
Sage: 3 points. Remaining team: none.
Forrest: 2 points. Remaining team: Connecticut.
Dan looks to be in the best shape, since he's got the most points and two possible routes to March glory. In fact, he could win the Coleman contest without either of his teams going all the way.
So the big family contest will be Dustin's Louisville vs. Dan's Arizona. This could be the match that defines the tournament.
We NEEEED an update!!!
Way out yonder, up here in upper Kentuck Inlet, the CBS station has been blacked out.
Our only link to the real world is through this blog! Please help us survive this now, our wintery season of discontent.
I have heard your call, o simian one.
Your pictures are very detailed. Too much so?
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