(Photo from here. No idea if it's copyrighted.)
HA! Get it? It's sexual innuendo!
I never even considered watching that game, figuring the Beavs would be completely screwed, but instead of the hard-pumping Trojans we've come to expect, the pride of the Dwyers petered out in a pathetically impotent display.
The littlest running back in the Pac-10 boat showed just which side was on fire, seeming almost to squirt through the flaccid USC line for a total of 186 yards. The Trojan D never seemed to be able to figure out the pandora's box that was the Beavers' game--OSU used their wiles brilliantly to outfox their opponents, who seemed to be lost in some sort of Bermuda Triangle.
USC came into the damp Corvalllis night as the cocks-of-the-walk, the Alpha Males, aiming their cannons at an opponent who just wasn't ready for the pounding they were going to receive. But in the end, the end pounded was USC's.
Perhaps next week, when they're given the choice, they should pick the blue pill.
OK, that was a bit much.
OK, just to milk this for one more easy, immature and inappropriate joke, it occurs to me that we may have just seen the definitive refutation of one particular foreign policy theory:
Bravo sir.
That clip is an example of perhaps the finest screenwriting dialogue ever written. I will watch it tomorrow and laugh anew.
Thank you.
And yes, I too saw every minute of the Trojans flaccidness.
How about the all-barking/no-biting Bulldogs and Gators wearing dentures this week. No... not as material-rich... but this week does show how (again) being purple or a semi-aquatic rodent is perhaps more important than having a scaryish logo.
Next year, I'm using this resource
list exclusively. I'm already leaning towards Rice and Xavier.
excellent find, Kirk.
How about next year, we compose a league exclusively of these teams, with the winner receiving a signed portrait of their mascot? Hell, we could do this for basketball season!
My picks, based purely on heinousness, would be Providence (nothing creepier than a creepy religious figure) and Vanderbilt, because it looks like a Gilbert & Sullivan-themed sex doll.
One more thing though, rather than the blue pill, shouldn't they look into Cialis instead?
However, if they should experience a hard-on lasting more than four hours... shouldn't they just look for more beavers?
Yes, but it's hard to work in a pop-culture reference with Cialis. Your comment does, however, allow me to gratuitously link to Cuba Gooding, Jr.'s fake Cialis ad.
Blogger's comments, however, do not, so you'll have to google it.
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