Incidentally, when I picked the teams, I considered going with an all-Purple theme, just to be random. Also, ECU was kicking ass from out of nowhere. God knows I might have benefited from having the Ravens on my side, but who would have been the third NFL team? Thankfully, purple is not a very common color in professional sports; probably because it's hard to sell bright purple t-shirts to tailgating rednecks. Honestly, I think purple is about the ugliest uniform color this side of brown, which in Cleveland's case actually works on a it's-so-bad-it's-iconically-bad level. I'm backed up in my anti-Purple views by Paul Lukas, the preeminent authority on the subject of sports uniform aesthetics. From his FAQ:
Why do you hate purple so much?
I actually think purple in nature is quite nice — eggplants, violets, plums, etc. But purple in man-made design applications has always struck me as really tacky. Like, seriously, have you ever seen a purple car? A total nightmare. Same goes for purple clothing, especially uniforms.
Don’t you realize purple is the color of royalty?
Sure, but so what? I live in America, a country whose very conception was predicated on anti-royalty sentiment. Maybe that’s why, as I like to point out, not a single U.S. state uses purple as one of its official state colors. If that doesn’t fill your heart with patriotic pride, nothing will.
Let me just note for the record that in Coos Bay sports, there's simply no getting away from bad, bad color combos.
Also, Al Davis made The Onion.